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The Birth of Elliot-Rhys

Mommy and Elliot-Rhys

Dear Readers,

I know many of you have been patiently waiting for my next book to come out, which I had promised to have to you by February when I last spoke to many of you in December during my last release. However, things didn't go as planned when January came around.

First I need to announce the arrive of my newest baby, Elliot-Rhys. He arrived January 11 @ 10:46 AM, weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long, and boy does he have a story!

Just Born

So, on January 8th I woke up around 2:30 AM with my heart racing. It felt as if it was going to pound out of my chest to be honest. Obviously, since I was 36 weeks pregnant, it was important to be checked so my husband took me to the emergency room. My heart rate was 220. For anyone who doesn't know, your heart rate shouldn't be over 100. I was given four doses of medication, two different types, before my heart rate dropped down to the 120's, still high but I was out of danger at the moment. After running a series of tests on me, the doctor diagnosed me with a form of cardiomyopathy. The left ventricle of my heart had become enlarged for some reason and that was why my heart went crazy. Luckily, the doctors tell me this heart-related illness is reversible with the right medication. I asked if I would need to deliver my baby then and the doctor said he didn't think so, but he would have a conference with the Cardiologist and the OB that was in the hospital. No matter what, he wanted to observe me for 24 hours.

It was about 4:30 PM that day when all three doctors came to see me. They explained that it was too dangerous for me to continue being pregnant any longer then necessary. That meant they were going to deliver the baby by c-section on Monday, the 11th. This also meant that I had to stay in the hospital until then.


Elliot-Rhys was delivered safely, but I had to spend the first 32 hours of his life in the cardiac unit being monitored. For me that was even worse then being told I had a heart condition. Luckily on the second day I was sent back down to him and we've been together since.

Since then I have been spending quality time with my family and focusing on my recovery. However, I am still working on both The Spirit-Tara's Story and To Merry a Sheppard, from each of my series. They will be out in the next few months.

Thank you again for your patience.

Lola Grace Stevens

Author of the Family of Fire series and Men of Turtlecreek series.

My Babies

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